
Day 14 May 11

Oh friends, thank you so much for your prayers. This afternoon after I finished washing and doing Amara's hair (which included such inane and slightly insane conversations between the girls I really thought I would lose my ever-loving-mind!), we decided to walk to the beach. It was still raining a bit and I was congratulating myself on becoming all island-ish and not being so worried about the rain, but I brought my big umbrella with me in case it started raining hard and I just wanted to sit and watch the girls. No one uses umbrellas here - it's so strange to me! I felt a little odd walking with a big umbrella... Anyway, when we arrived, the tide was in but on its way out which meant there were new tidal pools to discover every 15 minutes or so. And then! The sun came out for about an hour and it was so warm and beautiful that we had a really hard time leaving. While we were there, I saw an older Inuit woman there with her grandson and we struck up a conversation. She was s

Day 10 May 7

"Church" on the Beach Today might be the last time we see the sun for the next week or so, so we decided to take full advantage of it and head to a new beach. This beach is sandy, has lots of waves and shells to pick through, and a bit of a breaker from the wind. The girls had a blast making sand castles with Kylar and then their "ocean restaurant" of broken crab shells and plants. Giselle, of course, managed to spot some interesting things swimming around in the water she got from the ocean. She  amazes me. Kylar entertained himself by suntanning and burning things with the magnifying glass - including himself. Because you just have to try it, right?  ;)  I really wish we would have had another family join us at the beach. Now that Paul the Tile Man isn't around, and Kylar is back in class tomorrow, I'll have to find some other adults to talk to at some point. There is another homeschool mom who lives on this street - hopefully, we can meet up this week.

Brain Wanderings...

Just something I'm mulling over in my mind... Today I had it in my mind that we would enjoy a hard ice cream cone. I wanted a place that had lots of flavours, and I wanted it to be fun and special. It all turned out to be a lot more work than I had anticipated as the first location I was thinking of was too far away. So I messaged someone in Port Alberni that I only know via facebook and she gave me a few suggestions. Google maps is terrible in Port Alberni, so the first plac e it sent us to was wrong. This was already after a long day, and a horrible shopping trip with the girls begging for every piece of junk food under the sun when I'm just trying to get some healthy food on the table for a decent price. At first, when the gps sent us to the wrong place, I decided to just give up and go to McDonalds. But something inside me said to try just one more time. So I drove a bit further - and there it was. The shopping area I had been told about.  We walked in the first store

Day 9 May 6

Kylar and I decided we should do a day trip to Port Alberni today because... well, civilization (aka Wal-Mart and Dollarama). 1.5 hours of windy roads there and 1.5 hours back. We stopped for fish and chips at our favourite restaurant and then I basked in the grocery aisles that weren't quite as obscenely priced as they are here. We also went to the harbour for some ice cream and then home. I gave Amara children's gravol and ginger gravol... and when we arrived home, she thre w up in the car. I've been doing good, but that moment of feeling overwhelmed at how much food costs here, and driving 3 hours - not to mention how long it took us to find a hard ice cream place (because I promised)... then the needing to pack the groceries away, feed the hungry kids something and the Tile-Man was here and really wanted to chat. The puke just kind of threw me over the edge. Or maybe it was the bubble solution that Giselle accidentally spilled on our tiny kitchen counter top just after

Day 8 May 5

-Laundry -Anne of Green Gables audio book -Walked to the library (again - makes me so thankful for ours!) -Found the Shipwrecked ship -Thankful for how even a short walk to the ocean improves everyone's frame of mind - no matter the weather  - Wild Kratt brothers for learning - hearing the girls read books to themselves  It doesn't look too bad on here, but in reality this laundromat is disgusting! Shipwrecked ship Amara's "secret" path through the rocks to the shore-line These are tiny little flowers I was able to capture with my close up lens